Our Mission:

MRPS Partners in Education (PIE) is a group of parents / caregivers for all schools in the Montpelier Roxbury School District to identify areas of need that are outside of the school budget. Through fundraising, volunteer support, and advocacy we support the students, school staff, and the larger community. We solicit donations from local organizations and individuals. We host community events like the annual Montpelier Fall Festival and we support staff appreciation and community outreach.

Our Structure

MRPS PIE is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization founded in January 2019. We provide opportunities for enrichment, build community, and serve as a vehicle for information and advocacy for families and the community. MRPS PIE helps to organize, support, and increase fundraising potential for each of our schools’ parent / caregiver groups.


MRPS PIE is managed by a board of directors that includes at least one representative from each school’s parent/caregiver group. The parent/caregiver groups at our district’s schools are committees of MRPS PIE. We hold open meetings monthly during the school year.

Meet our Board

Ena Backus, President
Caitlin Drechsler, Treasurer
Vic Guadagno
Mary Mello
Chris Dorer
Vic Guadagno

Contact Us

5 High School Drive
Montpelier, VT 05602